Chiropractic Monthly – July 2012

It has certainly been a while since my last newsletter. Did you miss them? I hope so. I will try harder to get them out more often in the future. For now please enjoy this months issue.

Some of you may be wondering why a chiropractor is writing about sinusitis? It’s simple, I too have suffered from sinusitis.

I’d like to tell you the story about Pam, a patient who came to me after a rear-end car accident that, she stated, didn’t really bother her that much. After talking to the father of one of her students, who said she really ought to have it checked out, she decided to see me. During her exam I found that she was only mildly injured, and that she did need some brief treatment. In passing she said she had chronic Sinusitis* that required daily medications to treat. She explained that it was particularly bad twice a year, around spring and fall, causing her to be miserable if she didn’t take her meds. I told her that we had had good success treating sinusitis and she was willing to try anything so she wouldn’t have to take medicine every day.

*Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinuses that occurs with a viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. Symptoms: The classic symptoms of acute sinusitis in adults usually feel like a cold that does not improve.

After just a short time of treating her and giving her home exercises to do, Pam reported that her Sinusitis symptoms were nearly gone! Now Pam only comes in for a rare tune-up and says, “I never would have believed it but I am living proof!”

How did we do it? Well, that is the rest of the story. You see, in our practice, I don’t want people to believe I can help them; I want people to understand why I can help them. That is why we are doing these newsletters. If you understand then you can explain it to others who are suffering and help them too when they come in.

I actually discovered this technique as a result of my own past severe Sinusitis. Not wanting to take medications due to my always wanting to find alternatives if possible first, I analyzed my symptoms and found that they were worse a day or two after heavy physical activity. I also noticed that I often had a bad headache at the base of my skull on one side, usually the left, after a game of golf and that the pain in the head was on the same side as my sinus drainage.

I realized that the muscles that attached there were the same muscles that are involved in chest breathing, especially the SCM or Sterno-Cleido-Mastoid muscle. I theorized that the inflamed SCM was irritating and pulling on the Occipitalis muscle which in turn was pulling on the Galea Aponeurotica, essentially your scalp, which in turn was pulling over the head all the way to its insertion point at the eyebrow.

The Frontal sinus is located just above this point in the forehead. I found that the constant tension at this point caused irritation to the sinus lining leading to excessive drainage!

I worked on these muscles then iced them and practiced my belly breathing. This was combined with a regimen of Pressure-Plus-Motion and relaxation techniques. This worked beautifully to solve my symptoms.

The details and specifics can be found in my book How to Keep the Chiropractor Off Your Back! The second edition will soon be available for sale in my office and on my website.

If you or your friends have Sinusitis symptoms, excessive drainage, pressure, or congestion, please call us to set up an appointment and get ready to throw out your meds!

Keep on going for the best in all you do.

Love you all,

Dr. Nunez

Dr. Subia
(3D Chiropractic Trained)

Dr Subia is here for you! He’s available to treat you just like Dr Nunez does.
Dr Subia is not just another doctor, he’s been personally trained by Dr Nunez in his 3D Chiropractic methods.

The next time you call and are offered an appointment with Dr Subia you should take it! He’s will give you the same treatment and you’ll feel better sooner.

If not for you, won’t you consider sending a friend to see me? Just tell them to ask for Dr. Subia, Thanks.

He’s always available for emergencies!
Live life to the fullest with healthy posture,

Dr. Subia
Muscle Focused Treatment

Don’t Miss This our next PPM Class

Ask call us TODAY classes fill quickly
The Next Class will be October 6th 12 noon to 3:00 pm
For more information Click here for our “New” Video: “How to Keep The Chiropractor Off Your Back!”

Calling all “Weekend Athletes”
If you ache after a Sunday Softball game and need relief, you need Ortho-Nesic.
It was made for you!
Get yourself a tube before your next sports weekend!
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Tell someone!

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While you’re on Google why not leave a review, we’d really appreciate hearing your comments. You can also connect with us via email at: [email protected]

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This blog is meant to provide information on current news and general information. It is not intended to constitute medical advice, nor is any doctor-client relationship established by its posting on this website. If you are facing a situation that requires medical assistance, please consult your physician.