Chiropractic Monthly – September 2011
Some of you may be wondering why a chiropractor is writing about Plantar Fasciitis? Isn’t that a condition that a Podiatrist treats? Well, as most of you now know, you should always tell me about any condition that you have because with 3D Chiropractic and Pressure-Plus-Motion we love new challenges and we love to help people when other methods have failed.
We will use Plantar Fasciitis as a general diagnosis to talk about several foot complaints that patients come to me with and haven’t got relief from their general physician, or podiatrist.
Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of the muscles and fascia that line the bottom of the foot. These muscles stretch from the heel to the toes and, when inflamed, often result in extreme pain in the arch or heel of the foot upon your first steps out of bed or after prolonged sitting. It may come on suddenly and without warning. Pain medication will not offer significant relief. You may have Orthotics (arch supports) prescribed for you that may give you temporary relief.
Other foot problems that are common include: Morton’s neuroma, foot cramps, bunions, cold feet, swollen ankles and arthritis. These are just a few of theconditions that we have had success with by using the 3D chiropractic techniques.
So, how can chiropractic help all these problems?!
First of all, we search for a history of injuries to the foot. More often than not, there is a history of a sprained foot or ankle in their youth or a jammed toe or fracture. However, after the initial pain goes away or the cast comes off, most people think they are cured. Often, unknowingly, the patient continues to favor the foot or ankle subconsciously and instead of the foot healing properly, it is left with stiffness in the joints, muscles and fascia. Stiffness in the joints leads eventually to arthritis.
Next we’ll look at hardness in the muscles that starts in the leg such as the calf and shin muscles go to the foot. Hardness of the muscles can interfere or perturb the flow of fluids in and out of the foot. This leads to swollen ankles, cramps and cold feet.
Remember: A perturbation of circulation leads to irritation and inflammation which leads to indurations (hardening) and ultimately degeneration.
Once all the unhealthy tissues are identified, stiff joints are mobilized and hardened muscles are treated with Pressure-Plus-Motionsm. Once the tissues are restored to normal tone, treatment is only half-way there.
Now, habits that formed due by favoring the damaged joint must be addressed. We analyze the stride and posture then teach you to walk and stand properly. Most patients with these conditions will shorten their stride to protect the old injury which means the foot and calf muscles just get harder and harder. We teach our patients how to treat themselves with Pressure-Plus-Motion techniques that can be found in my book, “How to Keep the Chiropractor Off Your Back!” The book and classes are meant to allow you to feel like you aren’t dependent on the doctor to feel good.
Here is what Kris L., one of our patients, says about our treatment. She had a severe ankle and foot problem:
“What I came to realize was that the years of wear and tear on my body were taking its toll. As an athlete all my life and now as a firefighter who places incredible demands on my body I realized that it is the little things that matter. Dr. Nunez worked patiently with me over the course of a year to get me healthy again. What a difference he has made to my quality of life. I am back to doing things I could not do before because it hurt too badly. I never thought I could feel this good.”
Keep on going for the best in all you do.
Love you all,
Dr. Nunez
Associates Corner Dr. Subia
Dr Subia wants you to know he’s available to treat you.
Just like any new business I’m trying to build my practice and patient base here at 3D Chiro.
I would appreciate your referrals. Won’t you consider sending a friend to see me? Just tell them to ask for Dr. Subia, Thanks.
I am always available for emergency appointments.
Live life to the fullest with healthy posture,
Dr. Subia
Calling all “Weekend Athletes”
If you ache after a Sunday Softball game and need relief, you need Ortho-Nesic. It was made for you!
Get yourself a tube before your next sports weekend!
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